Here you find all the Frame store details and contact information. For general enquiries please use the form at the bottom of the page.
Merlin's Bridge
Please note that we have received some fantastic donations in store since the ease of lockdown so there is a lot of available stock and choice.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 09.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am – 3.00pm
Sunday: Closed
We ask that you respect all of our Covid 19 social distancing and health and safety measures that are in place at this time.
Shop/ Donations Telephone: 01437 779442
Shop email:
Admin Telephone: 01437 769755
Admin email:

Pembroke Dock
Unit 1
St Govans Shopping Centre
Dimond St
Pembroke Dock
SA72 6AG
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 09.00am – 4.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
We ask that you respect all social distancing and health and safety measures that are in place.
Shop/ Donations Telephone: 01646 622288
Shop email: